Liberty Structure

How we are structured

Liberty is the trading name of The National Council for Civil Liberties, registered in England and Wales (Company number 03260840). Registered Office address is Liberty House, 26-30 Strutton Ground, London, SW1P 2HR.

Liberty is both a non-profit company that employs staff and runs campaigns, and a democratically-run membership association.

We also work closely with a charity called the Civil Liberties Trust.

Liberty office

Liberty employs staff and benefits from the support and dedication of our committed volunteers.

The work of the office is split into five broad areas:

  • Advocacy and Legal
  • Communications
  • Advice and Information
  • Development
  • Operations

Each team contributes to Liberty’s campaigning objectives.

Policy Council

Policy Council is a group of 30 Liberty members who help shape policy between our AGMs. Elected by the membership, our Council provides a vital source of direction and inspiration for our campaigns.

Liberty’s current Policy Council

2024 Elections

A summary of the results can be found here and full breakdown of votes can be accessed here.

2023 Elections

A summary of the results of the 2023 elections can be found here and full breakdown of votes can be accessed here.

Liberty Council meeting summary – March 2024
Liberty Council meeting summary – November 2023
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2023
Liberty Council meeting summary – March 2023
Liberty Council meeting summary – November 2022
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2022
Liberty Council meeting summary – March 2022
Liberty Council meeting summary – November 2021
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2021
Liberty Council meeting summary – March 2021
Liberty Council meeting summary – Nov 2020
Liberty Council meeting summary – March 2020
Liberty Council meeting summary – Nov 2019
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2019
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2019
Liberty Council meeting summary – Nov 2018
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2018
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2018
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2017
Liberty Council meeting summary – July 2017
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2017
Liberty Council meeting summary – Dec 2016
Liberty Council meeting summary – Sept 2016
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2016
Liberty Council meeting summary – Nov 2015
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2015
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2015
Liberty Council meeting summary – Nov 2014
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2014
Liberty Council meeting summary – Jan 2014
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2013
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2013
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2013
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2012
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2012
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2012
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2011
Liberty Council meeting summary – July 2011
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2011
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2010
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2010
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2010
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2009
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2009
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2009
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2008
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2008
Liberty Council meeting summary – Mar 2008
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2007
Liberty Council meeting summary – June 2007
Liberty Council meeting summary – Feb 2007
Liberty Council meeting summary – Oct 2006
Liberty Council meeting summary – July 2006

Liberty Executive Committee

From its members, the Council elects an Executive Committee, which meets at least six times a year. It is responsible for the strategic direction, financial and other governance of Liberty. In addition, the Executive Committee appoints a Treasurer each year at their first meeting following Liberty’s Annual General Meeting.

Liberty’s current Executive Committee

Liberty Executive Committee report and financial statements for 2023

Liberty Executive Committee report and financial statements for 2022



Members may submit motions and constitutional amendments for debate at Liberty’s Annual General Meeting.

Rules of elections postal ballots and the Annual General Meeting (2024)


The next Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 11 May 2024. Please see this page for more information.