Coronavirus / Hostile environment

Vaccine amnesty not enough – the hostile environment must end

Posted on 08 Feb 2021

If the Government is serious about ensuring everyone can get a COVID vaccine then it will end the entire hostile environment for good.

Liberty has responded to news that the Government has said it will make coronavirus vaccinations available to everyone in the UK, regardless of their immigration status.

Jun Pang, Liberty policy and campaigns officer, said:

“It’s important the Government has recognised that having a two-tier health system – which is rigged to help some while shutting others out – is incompatible with protecting public health. But the hostile environment runs so deep that many still won’t trust this initiative.

“We should all be able to access healthcare when we need it, but for many the hostile environment still blocks them from doing that. This pandemic has shown how much we depend on each other. No matter what our background, we will only move past this crisis by protecting each other.

“If the Government is serious about ensuring everyone can get a COVID vaccine then it will end the entire hostile environment for good, and commit to implementing a data shield between essential public services and immigration enforcement. That is the only way to ensure people can access the healthcare they need without the fear and risk of being detained or deported as a result.”

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