Speaking and event requests
Can I book Martha Spurrier to speak at or take part in an event I’m organising?
We are always happy to receive invitations for Liberty’s Director to speak at events, although her diary is generally extremely full so we can’t guarantee her availability.
For details of how to submit an invitation, please contact us.
Can I book other speakers from Liberty to speak at or take part in an event I’m organising?
Several of our staff members are able to take on speaking engagements on behalf of Liberty. For details of how to submit an invitation, please contact Liberty’s office.
Can I book a member of Liberty staff to do a presentation at my school?
Yes – we will do our best (depending on staff availability) to provide a speaker for your school. For details of how to submit a speaker request, please contact us.
Can you send me some Liberty campaign materials?
Yes, we’re happy to send out Liberty leaflets, posters and other campaign materials as long as our stocks last.
Please use our contact us page to get in touch with us if you’d like us to send you or your organisation anything.