Human Rights Act, ECHR and Government accountability / Voting rights

Liberty: Voter ID plans threaten democracy

Posted on 05 Jul 2021

Responding to the Electoral Integrity Bill being introduced to the House of Commons, Liberty Policy and Campaigns Officer Charlie Whelton said:

“No matter our background or political leaning, we know that in a healthy democracy everyone should have the right to vote. However, introducing mandatory voter ID is a very real threat to this right.

“Millions of people in the UK don’t have photo ID, and the vast majority of them come from communities that are already marginalised and under-represented by our political system. If you’re young, if you’re a person of colour, if you’re disabled, trans or you don’t have a fixed address, you’re much less likely to have photo ID and could therefore be shut off from voting.

“Meanwhile the Government’s own findings show our current voting system is safe and secure.

“These plans are unjustified, discriminatory and divisive. They are also profoundly anti-democratic, and should be seen in the context of this Government’s ongoing bid to undermine accountability and erode the mechanisms we all use to hold it to account and stand up to power.

“We must reject the politics of division and come together to defeat these divisive and discriminatory plans, and ensure everyone can have their voice heard.”

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