Liberty responds to reports of Supreme Court ‘reforms’
Posted on 17 Nov 2020
Liberty warns that new proposals, if true, would damage the UK’s democracy and everyone’s ability to hold power to account
Liberty has responded to reports the Government is planning to reform the Supreme Court.
Grey Collier, Liberty advocacy director, said:
“Everyone should be held accountable for their actions – especially those in power. In Britain the courts are central to this because they uphold the rule of law, but these proposals – if true – would put that under threat.
“It is hypocritical for the Government to say the courts are too political with one breath, while in the next threatening to weaken the legal system and the judiciary because the courts have made decisions that are uncomfortable for the Government. That just looks like revenge. In Britain the balance of power between the Government, Parliament and the courts is vital to maintaining a healthy democracy. These reforms would throw that balance off by weakening the role of the Supreme Court, and centring power in the hands of the Executive.
“These reports are drawn from wider plans from Government to move itself further out of reach of accountability, including efforts to limit judicial review and to dilute the protections of the Human Rights Act. If any of these plans come to fruition they would cause great damage to the UK’s democracy and – crucially – to our ability to hold power to account.”
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