Human Rights Act, ECHR and Government accountability
Liberty responded to Judicial Review and Courts Bill
Posted on 21 Jul 2021
Liberty, the human rights organisation, has responded to the Government’s plans for the Judicial Review and Courts Bill, which is set to be introduced to Parliament today (21 July 2021).
Charlie Whelton, Liberty policy and campaigns officer, said: “This Bill is part of this Government’s bid to make itself – and all future governments – untouchable. Being able to challenge those in power when they get things wrong is at the heart of our democracy.
“Our laws and legal processes allow ordinary people to challenge governments and public authorities for this very reason. They are vital in protecting our rights and freedoms and in some cases have literally saved lives. From what the Government has announced so far, we know this Bill poses a threat to these well-established mechanisms, and could make it harder for people to stand up to power. It appears that based on faulty statistical reasoning, this Bill proposes to remove a vital safeguard that protects marginalised people, especially migrants, from mistakes being made by public bodies which could have a catastrophic impact on their lives. We will be examining the full Bill carefully when it is published.
“Holding power to account is core to Liberty’s mission. We are working closely with others across the sector to shine a light on this Government’s plans to make itself untouchable. We are fighting to ensure we can all still stand up to power – which as this pandemic has shown is never more important.”
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