Mass surveillance and Snoopers' Charter

Court judgement allows the government to continue spying on us

Posted on 29 Jul 2019

We will challenge this judgment in the courts, and keep fighting for a targeted surveillance regime that respects our rights.

In response to today’s judgment in the People’s vs the Snooper’s Charter case Megan Goulding, Liberty lawyer, said:

“This disappointing judgment allows the government to continue to spy on every one of us, violating our rights to privacy and free expression. We will challenge this judgment in the courts, and keep fighting for a targeted surveillance regime that respects our rights.

“These bulk surveillance powers allow the state to hoover up the messages, calls and web history of hordes of ordinary people who are not suspected of any wrong-doing.

“The Court recognised the seriousness of MI5’s unlawful handling of our data, which only emerged as a result of this litigation. The security services have shown that they cannot be trusted to keep our data safe and respect our rights.”

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