No torture
Torture: Liberty response to secret MoD policy revelation
Posted on 20 May 2019
In response to the revelation by Reprieve and Rendition Project that a secret Ministry of Defence policy which allows ministers to pass share information, even when there is risk of torture, breaches Government policy and international law.
Nadia O’Mara, Liberty campaigns and policy officer, said: “The prohibition on torture is absolute. Any policy which waters down protection and risks making the UK complicit in torture anywhere in the world is unlawful, wrong and makes a mockery of the UK’s claims to be a human rights leader.
“This revelation reinforces the critical importance of the ongoing review of current Government policy on intelligence sharing, and underscores the need for an independent judge-led inquiry into UK complicity in torture and rendition.
“This secret document is at odds with Government policy and breaches international law, proving the UK has not learned the lessons of its shameful past.”
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